Letters - RBPS



Letters - From Students of Rapid Bay Primary School

I am a student from Rapid Bay Primary School.  I am a Year 4 and I would like to say a few words.  We like our jetty.  It is important to us.  Sometimes the UP class go fishing  on the jetty and grandpa goes diving there and I am not happy, in fact, no one is happy that the jetty is closed.  Let us use the jetty again please. 

I go fishing on the jetty.  I go in the boat fishing.  We used to tie up to the jetty and get off.  Dad would pass me the squid jags and I would fish for squid.  If I had a bite, Dad would throw his Razorback in and go over the top of me to catch some more squid.

If the jetty stays closed I will be sad and me and Dad won't be able to catch anymore fish there.  

I hate the jetty being closed because I like to go fishing there with my friends.  I have caught lots of squid.  If the jetty stays closed I can't catch any more squid.

I am a Year 3 and a student form Rapid Bay Primary School.  On our school logo we have the jetty.  On Monday I saw some people walking on the jetty and they said, "Darn, the jetty's closed."  It wrecks the view seeing a big fence.

Ever since I was 5 I have been going to Rapid Bay jetty to fish and we have got the jetty on our logo.  It is so important to us to our school.  The jetty is very important to the people who come down to dive to see the Leafy Sea Dragon.  If you close the jetty you won't get so many people to come down.  Please do not shut our jetty. 

I am from Deep Creek.  I have been fishing off that jetty since I was 4 with my friends and family.  I have my birthday there nearly every year which is on March the 9th.  I am turning 10 this year.  The jetty means a lot to the divers to look at the Leafy Sea Dragons.   So please open the jetty again! 

I'm a Year 4 student that goes to Rapid Bay School and doesn't want our precious jetty to be demolished because everyone wants to go fishing and scuba diving.  Please don't destroy it.

I don't want you to close the Rapid Bay jetty because divers can't dive around the jetty anymore

I will not be pleased if you close the jetty forever.  I hope you can open it again so we can go out far again.  Please don't shut it down.  People like to scuba dive and fish.  We once looked into a whale's mouth so if you shut it down we won't be able to do all that again. 

The jetty means a lot to our school and other locals.  We have the jetty on our school logo.  Sometimes we go fishing on the jetty.  I think the Government can pay for this.  They pay for a lot of other things.  We will do just about anything for our favourite jetty.  Go look for yourself.  There are lots of fish and dolphins, sharks and other sea creatures.  Some people go diving off the steps and fish there.  If the jetty gets closed we won't be able to look at a whale.  We go looking for crabs under the jetty and we love our jetty.  Please listen to the students of Rapid Bay Primary School. 

I am a Rapid Bay Primary School student and I am in Year 3 and I would like a word with you please about the Rapid Bay jetty. Some of my family and friends like to go fishing.  Lots of other people like to come to Rapid Bay to go fishing also.  I would like the jetty stay open because my class go for walks on the jetty. 

I am a Year 4 student.  I go to Rapid Bay Primary School and I am not pleased about the jetty.  Our school goes fishing on the jetty.  Please fix our jetty as we use it a lot.

I am a Year 3 student and I am from Rapid Bay Primary School.  I don't like the jetty being closed because no one can go fishing or diving or seeing any more Leafy Sea Dragons.  My family likes to go fishing on the jetty.  People from Adelaide like to come to Rapid Bay jetty to fish off the jetty.  If you close Rapid Bay jetty there is only one other jetty at Cape Jervis which is not as long.


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Last modified: 13/03/2005